DIY Manicure

November 10, 2010 § Leave a comment

Lets face it, our  hands are a very important part of our body. It’s what we use to do most of our task on a daily basis. Over time, they can become dry, rough and wrinkled. It is important that we take care of our hands  because people may be judging you by them. What if you have to shake the hands of a potential boss and your hands are dry and chapped? Or worst, what if you are on a date with the “perfect guy” and he wants to hold your hand? Only to be greeted with what feels like sand paper?

Luckily for you, there are simple ways to achieve baby soft, beautiful  hands.

First, if you’re wearing nail polish remove them.

Next, using a nail clip, clip your nail to a desired length. Or you can file them. Either will do.

Gently buff nails to a smooth texture.


Soak them. A simple nail soak my mother taught me as a child is as followed



Two tbsp of  Olive oil

A few drops of lemon essential oil. Or you can drop a few slivers of lemon rind into the bowl

I love to add Hibiscus petals to my oil soak just so that it will look pretty.

Soak nails for 10 -15 minutes.


Olive oil helps to soften and hydrate the cuticles

Lemon helps the nails to maintain it’s lovely white color.

Tip* For nails that are discolored, rub nails into half of  a lemon for about 5 minutes. It will help to whiten the nails.


For soft hands use this recipe


1/2 tbsp olive oil or shea butter

1 tbsp refined white sugar.

Few drops lavender essential oil  (optional)

Mix together in a bowl. Apply to hands, rubbing in a circular motion.  This will exfoliate hands, buffing away dead skin cells and give them a smooth, silky texture.


After soaking  and exfoliating, rinse hands with warm soapy water.


Clip only hang nails ( not your cuticles) and push back cuticles using an orange wood stick.


On to the polish.

You can either chose to leave your nails bare with a just a top coat of clear shiny polish or you can use a funky bold color.

Remember to always use a base coat. This will help the polish to adhere to the nail. It also provides a smooth surface for the color and can also protect the nail from chemical damage and staining.

Follow with one or two coats of your bold color.

Next, a clear top coat  will help to seal the color, resulting in a longer lasting manicure.

*Tip remember to let the nails completely dry between coats.

Repeat Once a week.


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